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    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
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                "title": "API",
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                "pageid": 2,
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                "title": "Main Page",
                "revisions": [
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2023-02-15T14:44:52Z",
                        "comment": "",
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                        "*": "<div class=\"start-2sp\">\n<div class=\"start-2sp-col-1 start-title\">\n<h2>Swiss Film Music</h2><div class=\"keywords\"> Schweizer Filmmusik, musique de film suisse, musica da film svizzera </div>\n<h3>Encyclop\u00e6dia</h3><div class=\"keywords\">encyclopedia, Enzyklop\u00e4die, encyclop\u00e9die, enciclopedia </div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"start-2sp-col-2 start-nav\">\n<h2>Categories</h2>\n*[[:Category:People|People]]\n*[[:Category:Works|Works]]\n*[[:Category:Organizations|Organizations]]\n*[[:Category:Events|Events]]\n*[[:Category:Technical terminology|Technical terminology]]\n*[[:Category:Essays and Interviews|Essays and Interviews]]\n</div>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"start-2sp\">\n<div class=\"start-2sp-col-1\">\n<div class=\"start-intro\">\n<h6> Welcome </h6> \nWelcome to the ''Swiss Film Music Encyclopedia'', produced by the [[Forum Filmmusik]] Zurich. Thank you for stopping by! \n\nWe would like to provide you with information about  Swiss film music: film music composers coming from Switzerland or living there, as well as their work. \n\nThis project is based on [ ''Swiss Film Music. Anthology 1923\u20132012''] published by the [[FONDATION SUISA]] in 2015, a book with 3 CDs and a DVD. \n\nAs a first step of this project, the lexical part of the book along with the available sound and film examples have been transferred to this wiki, and were published in January 2018. \n\nAs a second step, this data will be updated and supplemented with other composers and works. \n\n[[Mathias Spohr|Mathias Spohr]] and [[Bruno Spoerri]] are responsible for the entries. \u2013 Contact us!\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"start-2sp-col-2 start-day\">\n<h2 class=\"start-day-title\">Work of the day</h2>\n<IncArticle category=\"Works\" lines=\"2\">\n<h3 class=\"start-day-subtitle\">[[{{{title}}}]]</h3>\n{{{content}}}\n</IncArticle>\n</div>\n</div>"